To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, BC’s public health officials have strongly recommended that all social and recreational travel be avoided in British Columbia until further notice. This means all non-essential travel into, out of and within British Columbia should be postponed until the travel advisory is lifted.

Have You Experienced This in Whistler?

Sunrise Paddle on Alta Lake in Whistler
Alta Lake sunrise. PHOTO MIKE CRANE

We Live in a Distracted World

“In the modern world, we either want to be entertained or asleep.”

Great Minds Have Always Sought Time in Nature

Only ideas won by walking have any value. ~ Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

Whistler’s Nature Lets Our Minds Play, Be and Expand

And that is Whistler’s superpower – its ability to pull me into the moment, instantly.

Couple exploring a river in Whistler
Getting closer to nature. PHOTO JUSTA JESKOVA

In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport explains that our brains are capable of paying intense attention for only a limited amount of time each day.

Our Family at Play in Whistler

A woman holds a slug on a stick.
Our slug rescuing operation in the fall. PHOTO PRAJAKTA KHARKAR NIGAM

What are you seeing in the forest? And now, consider what it feels like to be seen by the forest. ~ Maeve

Woman walking between giant cedar trees while forest bathing
Walk amongst giants in Whistler. PHOTO JUSTA JESKOVA
The Peak 2 Peak gondola travelling over wildlfowers
Alpine wildflowers in bloom beneath the PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola. PHOTO MIKE CRANE

Time to Spring Clean Our Souls

INSIDER TIP: Early spring in Whistler still means there’s snow on the ground and that our parks and trails are not fully open. Be sure to bring the right clothing and footwear for the weather, and do your research ahead of time on what’s open and fun to do at this time of year.

As it’s essential travel only at the moment, and we hope that you’re staying local and staying safe. If you’re looking to book for future travel then offers a price guarantee and flexible cancellation policy. 

Please take a read of our Whistler COVID-19 information page for current advisories. If you are local and heading up the ski hill in Whistler, please Ski Well, Be Well by following best practices for safe, low risk recreation. 


Prajakta is an economist turned writer. After years of living and working internationally, she is now perched on a mountain, writing a book about her family’s latest experiment  -  a year and a half of unschooling her daughters through travel. When not writing, she can be found testing new hypotheses, enjoying the snow with her family or hiking with friends in the mystical forests of Whistler. Follow her on Medium and Instagram @nomadparents